The All-Terrain Vehicle Association of Minnesota, Inc., first organized in 1983, is a non-profit corporation under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 317A. It is comprised of individual, family and business members. The management of the All-Terrain Vehicle Association of Minnesota (ATV MN) occurs through the State Board of Directors. The daily direction of ATV MN is conducted by the Executive Board, as delegated and overseen by the State Board of Directors.
ATV MN was established to serve the interests of all-terrain vehicle (ATV) owners by advocating for ATV recreation, advancing the safe use of ATVs, providing information, and participating in legislative and regulatory activities related to the use of ATVs.
Major accomplishments in ATV recreation since the formation of ATV MN include:
- ATV registration program and dedicated fund account established
- ATV Grant-in-Aid trail grant program established
- ATV youth safety training program established
- Trail Ambassador Program initiated
- ATV funding increased from gas tax refund formula change
- Thousands of miles of ATV Grant-in-Aid trails constructed and maintained, using best practices to ensure they are economically and environmentally sustainable.