Introducing ATV Minnesota Corporate Sponsorship Program
Your financial support will help ensure a positive future for ATV recreation in Minnesota
$2,500 Bronze / $5,000 Silver / $10,000 Gold / $25,000 Platinum
Four levels: Each includes ads in Minnesota Wheelin magazine, and publicity of your business or club at ATV MN events, on websites, social media and more!
As a corporate sponsor, you will be reaching:
- The leaders and decision-makers of 70 ATV clubs, their members and business sponsors
- Over 25,000 readers of our Minnesota Wheelin magazine
- ATV riders across Minnesota through the ATV MN website and social media
Your generous financial contribution will help us meet our goals and objectives:
• Continue critical lobbying activities at the State Legislature
-Revising the ATV Definition - To open up trails to newer style ATV/UTVs
-Funding Legislation - To build new trail infrastructure connecting destinations
• Create a statewide Master Plan, expanding ATV riding opportunities
-Connecting communities
-Prioritizing trail projects to maximize impact of the ATV Dedicated Fund
-Identifying trail types and planning for future rider needs
-Expanding Minnesota’s ATV trail footprint to southern and western counties
• Promoting ATV safety and responsible riding
-Over 4,000 youth riders trained annually
-200 DNR-certified Trail Ambassadors spending 5,000 hours annually, monitoring trails and educating trail riders
-Club-developed programs encouraging use of helmets and seat belts
-OHV Safety Education Trailer at outdoor events in partnership with other motorized State Associations
• Holding trail-building workshops for ATV clubs
• Building and maintaining ATV trails that are economically and environmentally sustainable
• And much more
Thank you for your consideration in becoming a funding sponsor of ATV Minnesota at one of four levels available.